Server Scenario Workgroup Scenario
Vue Testing System Software Computer Roles:
- Server Role (Computer with the Vue Share Folder and VueApplicationWrapper service listed in Services, to view services open services app)
- Administrative Role (Computer with Admissions Manager, Registration Manager, Start Manual Update, Etc. If your site is installed as a workgroup installation scenario this will be same computer as Server role is installed to)
- Test Delivery Role (Computer(s) with the Delivery Manager Application installed)
Pearson Vue Testing System Updates:
When a Pearson Vue software update becomes available you will receive an email notifying you of the scheduled automatic update date. Please ensure the Admissions Manager, Registrations Manager and Delivery Manager applications are shut down on all machines during the overnight update process. You will be prompted to update your admissions and delivery machines the day after the update to the server role has completed in the overnight cycle on your server. The actual date of the update may vary depending on internet speeds to your site.
Alternatively, you can initiate this VTS update at a date of your choosing prior to the scheduled date by selecting Start, VUE Applications and Start Manual Update on the admissions machine. We advise your site to initiate the update at the end of your testing day or on non-testing days to avoid any delays that may affect candidates.
*If your Testing Center is a PVTC Select site using the Pearson VUE Cloud based software and applications (CCT), Pearson VUE will complete the update process for your testing center on your Cloud server. Please do not initiate a manual update. At the end of the testing day, please close all Pearson VUE applications within the admin app in preparation for the update.
Pre update checklist
- Exit all Pearson Vue Applications on Administrator and Test Delivery computers.
- Complete any pending Windows updates and reboot computers.
- Confirm your Remote Maintenance Agent (RMA) is healthy and completing successfully. You can view your RMA status at Site System Information page.
- Confirm you are logged into Windows with a Windows user account with administrative permissions.
- Confirm the VUEService Windows User the VueApplicationwrapper service is logging in with is part of the administrators group for the computer acting as the server role.
Update Process
- Launch the Start Manual Update application. Available on the computer with the Administrative Role installed. Located in the Start menu Vue Applications folder.
- Log in with Pearson Vue Testing user that has Pearson Vue updater permissions. Contact VSS Technical support if you receive message the account does not have permission.
- Choose Override version as this will be the assigned Vue Testing Software version. For new site installs contact VSS Technical support if you do not see an Override version available.
- After Update successful message is displayed click ok to close Start Manual update application. Server Role has been successfully updated.
- On the administrative computer launch any of the Pearson Vue applications to initiate the Administrative Role application bundle software update.
- On all the Test Delivery Computers: Launch Delivery Manager to initiate the Test delivery Role application update.
During Start Manual Update you can click on Show Details to view log file entries within the Start Manual Update application.
Start Manual Update Fails at:
- After selecting Override version and ok, receive Failed remote launch attempt FAILED message.
- Cause: Vueapplicationwrapper Service not running or RMA not connecting successfully.
- Resolution: Check the status of the Vueapplicationwrapper service, Stop Vueapplicationwrapper service, open Task manager and end any of the following stuck background processes. VRun application, VTSNativeLauncher, Vue Application Wrapper. Start the VueApplicationwrapper Service. Attempt Update process again.
- Step: Waiting 15 minutes for applications to stop
- Cause: A Pearson Vue application is still connected to the server with files open ie Admissions Manager, Registration Manager, Delivery Manager
- Resolution: Click ok to close Start Manual update, Stop Vueapplicationwrapper service, open Task manager and end any of the following stuck background processes. VRun application, VTSNativeLauncher, Vue Application Wrapper. Start the VueApplicationwrapper Service. Close the running Pearson Vue application and attempt update process again.
- Step: Stopping Wrapper
- Cause: VUEService Windows user is not part of Administrators Group on the Server Role computer.
- Resolution: Click ok to close Start Manual update, Stop Vueapplicationwrapper service, open Task manager and end any of the following stuck background processes. VRun application, VTSNativeLauncher, Vue Application Wrapper. Start the VueApplicationwrapper Service. add VUEService windows user to Windows Administrators Group on Server and attempt update process again.
During Test Delivery Role update, Delivery Manager update fails and Delivery Manager application no longer present on computer after reboot.
- Cause: During the Test Delivery Role update, the update process removes the current version installed and then installs the updated version of Delivery Manager. If the update fails after removing the installed version, the Delivery Manager application will no longer be installed.
- Solution: Using file explorer, navigate to the Vue Share folder on the computer with the server role installed. \\servername\vue then navigate through the folders Vue Testing System > app > setup and run setup.exe to initiate a reinstall of Test delivery role.
During Administrator Role or Test Delivery Role update after rebooting computer and launching Administrator applications or on Test Delivery Role computers launching Pearson Vue application prompts you with a pending reboot is required. Issue persists after computer reboot.
- Cause: Windows user logged in to computer does not have Administrator elevated permissions.
- Resolution: Log into windows with Administrator user and launch application.
Test Administrator receives an email about pending VTS software update but when launching start manual update no Override version is available.
- Cause: Test Administrators with Pearson Vue accounts at more than one testing center may receive update emails regarding the other site number(s). Not all testing centers receive the VTS update at the same time.
- Resolution: Log into under the desired site number. The Connect website landing page will indicate if a pending software update is available for the specific site.