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How To Reprint Score Report

Article ID: 15
Last updated: 25 Sep, 2020

How To Reprint Score Report

When score reports or delivery confirmations fail to print at the end of candidate exams, test administrators may attempt to reprint them using the Reprint Utility which is packaged with the VUE Testing System.  Please note many IT exam results (CompTIA, Cisco, Microsoft, etc…) cannot be reprinted on site.  Please direct IT candidates to print their results online when they get home using the account associated with their respective client at  Results should be available for them to view within two hours after completing the exam.  ​Check the Exam Sponsor procedures (Chapter 10) on the website for more information. 

Score Report Reprint Process

  1. Make sure the printer is on, working and is set as the default printer.  Ensure printer availability by attempting to print something from an application outside the VUE Testing System such as Notepad or Word.  This step is extremely important as Reprint Utility uses the default printer to print score reports.
  2. Press Start, VUE Applications, and Reprint Utility on the Admissions machine. 
    1. Exams must be completed for them to show up in the Reprint Utility.  If the candidate’s name is still listed in the Delivery Manager Appointment Selection screen, resume the exam and allow it to timeout so it can be properly completed.  A score report should then print.
    2. Check the date of the exam being reprinted.  Exam results remain in the Reprint Utility for only 10 days to reprint an exam.  After ten days the exam results are purged from your site’s server and are no longer able to be reprinted.  The candidate will need to call candidate services to obtain a score report after ten days.  The candidate services telephone number can be found at
    3. Certain exams (GMAT for example) give candidates an option to deny score reporting during the exam.  ​​If candidates deny score reporting during testing, they cannot be generated using the Reprint Utility.
  3. Call VUE technical support if the problem is not resolved by the preceding steps.

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Article ID: 15
Last updated: 25 Sep, 2020
Revision: 3
Comments: 0