Name of candidate does not appear in Admissions Manager
If you have a candidate whose name does not show up in Admissions Manager, the exam is in a scheduled state, or the exam was scheduled the same day as the delivery is to take place, the proctor should initiate a Remote Maintenance Agent task.
- To perform this action, please select Windows Start, VUE Applications, and Remote Maintenance Agent (RMA) on the Admin station. A black box will appear on your screen similar to the example provided below. Please allow this task to complete. The RMA may take 5 minutes or longer depending on the speed of your internet connection at the test center. The window as depicted below will close automatically when RMA is complete.
- When the RMA is complete, please select the Refresh button in Admissions Manager, find your candidate, admit them, and begin the exam.
- If the name of the candidate still does not appear in Admissions Manager, please confirm the date of the exam with the candidate as well as the testing center location. The candidate may need to call candidate services for support. The telephone number for candidate services is located at

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